Labels:book | bulletin board | cassette tape | poster | sky OCR: NATION PLANE CDR-P01011 seetheentire Tistof ComicsOnCDRom oatine The mvaa Now here we have some of the best covers to ever grace the covers of the pulps. Incredible art by Frank R. Paul, Earle Bergey, Rudoplh Belarski, Howard Brown, R.G.Jones, Malcolm Smith, George Rozen Alex Schomburg Virgil Finlay Girls, rayguns bug-eyed monsters. WoW !! Gra Vritimedia P.O. Box 46454 Las Vegas NV 89114 http :l/www comicsoncdrom com 1011 0199 This disc is Windows 95/98/NT and Macintosh compatible 2002 PLANET seethe enitire list IAME 01011